You are here: 7. Mobile Applications > 7.3. Paperless Picking > 7.3.1. Mobile Picking - Micronet Procedures > Setting the Initial Priority of Picking Slips

Setting the Initial Priority of Picking Slips

The priority of a picking slip determines the next slip downloaded to a PDA, so setting the initial priority is a critical process. It is also a complex process. The initial priority of a picking slip can be set in a number of different places in your master files and company configuration. The order in which Micronet checks the slip priority is as follows:

  1. For slips created via Data.Connect, the default priority entered in Data.Connect if available.

For more information about setting the default slip priority in Data.Connect, refer to Sales Force in 7. Mobile Applications > "Configuring Data.Connect".


Technical Tip

  • Data.Connect first gets the salesperson that created the order then finds the user in the Micronet usermas file. If this user has the Default Salesforce Order Status in Mobile Company Settings set to 1, the slip is set to Wait for Instruction status.
  • If this data can't be found, Data.Connect checks the Default Salesforce Order Status in the Micronet Mobile Company Settings and sets the slip to that status. For more information, refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Mobile Company Settings".

Exception: If this value is set to Paperless Queue, the order will also go through a debtor hold check and a GP check. The status may be changed automatically to Paperless Queue - Debtor Hold, or Paperless Queue - GP Hold.

  • In all other cases, the slip will get a status of Paperless Queue - Wait.
  1. The Override Priority fields set in your Mobile Company Settings.

There are three fields that Micronet checks:

For more information about these fields, refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Mobile Company Settings".

  1. The Switch Debtor/Courier field set in your Mobile Company Settings.

For more information about this field, refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Mobile Company Settings".